Like Father, Like Son or in Malay...Bapak Borek, Anak Rintik!
How to participate?
1. Add Isabelle...frankly in your blogroll@bloglist and become my follower.
2. Write a short entry in your blog about this contest (it could be in Bahasa Melayu or English - up to you) and put up the Daddy's Dearest banner (above).
**N3 bout this Contest...contest ni Isabelle yg anjurkan..huhu slalu tgk nama dier kat lam blogger lain..baru skang bodek tau ikhlas nih!!!) bagus la anjurkan contest camni disamping memeriahkan majlis..kiter bleh tmbah member..yer r..bak kater org YG DA X MUDA SGT..."NIKAH BIAR SATU..KAWAN BIAR BERIBU.." huhu..:D
3. Upload a creative/dramatic photo of the father with son/daughter and explain why do you think your picture is unique.
hmm..gamba ni aku amik masa kitorg balik melaka,uma makcik aku anak dier kawin,n on dat day my luvly hubby is bebuat bz..huahuaaaa..:D) ala..cuci n goreng ayam jer the best n precious thing hubby xpernah walau seminit pun luperkan his lil' imran..every hour or masa terluang dier akan jenguk his lil' imran dlm uma(yg bersama mamanyer yg sgt culas nk nolong..hahahaah..alasan jaga anak..huhuhu..:P )
biler kija sumer da sweet hubby yg akan jaga imran..smpi tertido la dier gak kat tgh² uma tu..huhuhu..SO SWEET..!! style tdo SAMA!! ekceli..papa dier pun tdo bukak mulut time ni..huhuh(xnmpk plak lam gambo..ish!!! )rattle froggy xtinggal tuh...
4. Include a link back to this blog and this contest in the entry.
This blog
This blog
5. Tell me about your entry by leaving a comment here with the link to the entry.
2 ulasan:
hoh! like father like son! comel okeh!
kak nora!!!
haha baru perasan kewujudan blog akak ni bila cek komen kat blog..apa kaba?? comelnya baby!!! besnye dah ada baby!!! :)))
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