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Rabu, 21 Oktober 2009


hmm..dulu kan aku pnah bgtau aku sakit kat area pergelangan tangan kan..korang rujuk entry yang ni..klik je sini,aku pun da duk ngandu dgn cik somi..ikutkan minggu ni dier nk ajak aku gi jumper ORTHOPEDIC..nk cek tulang aku ler..pastu mlm td laki aku bukak la buku medic dier..puas dier carik-carik...tertiber dier cakap..

B: ma..B da tau ma sakit aper...

AKU:...da tau?sakit aper??

trus dier amik tgn aku,dia buat eksperimen..tekan saner sini..pulas sana sini, tanyer aku sakit ker x..biler da konfem dgn eksperimen tu trus dier suh aku baca buku medic dier tgk aku sakit aper..so..aku ni kan isteri yang baik dan ingin tahuececehhhh.. uper nyer..aku mengalami sakit ni...DE QUERVAIN'S DISEASE

ni info mengenai penyakit ni la..serba sedikit:

Arthritis: de Quervain's Disease Information
de Quervain's disease is a painful inflammation of tendons in the thumb (tenosynovitis). The swollen tendons and their coverings rub against the narrow tunnel through which they pass. The result is pain at the base of the thumb.
korang paham ??ala..da bhs melayu n layman yang aku paham, aku nyer tendon dgn tunnel keliling tendon aku menebal..so tendon tu jadi ketat dats y aku sakit

What Causes de Quervain's Disease?
Often, the cause is unknown, but overuse, a direct blow to the thumb, repetitive grasping, and certain inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis can all trigger the disease. Gardening, racquet sports, and various workplace tasks may also aggravate the condition.
dan mengangkat beg gajah loyer tu..xpun membuat kerja-kerja di opis yg byk..huhuhuh

Who Gets de Quervain's Disease?
While anyone can get de Quervain's, it affects women eight to 10 times more often than men.dalam buku medic laki aku dier cakap pregnancy pun may cause this disease..aku kan kna masa pregnant

What Are the Symptoms of de Quervain's Disease?
Pain along the back of the thumb, directly over two thumb tendons, is common in de Quervain's. The condition can occur gradually or suddenly; in either case, the pain may travel into the thumb or up the forearm. Thumb motion may be difficult and painful, particularly when pinching or grasping objects. Some people also experience swelling and pain on the side of the wrist at the base of the thumb. The pain may increase with thumb and wrist motion. Some people feel pain if direct pressure is applied to the area.
How Is de Quervain's Disease Diagnosed?
The test most frequently used to diagnose de Quervain's disease is the Finkelstein test. Your doctor will ask you to make a fist with your thumb placed in your palm. When the wrist is bent toward the outside, the swollen tendons are pulled through the tight space and stretched. If this movement is painful, you may have de Quervain's disease.

How Is de Quervain's Disease Treated?
Treatment usually involves wearing a splint 24 hours a day for four to six weeks to immobilize the affected area and refraining from any activities that aggravate the condition. Ice may be applied to reduce inflammation. If symptoms continue, your doctor may give you anti-inflammatory medication such as naproxen or ibuprofen or may inject the area with steroids to decrease pain and swelling. If de Quervain's disease does not respond to conservative medical treatment, surgery may be recommended.

Surgical release of the tight covering of the tendon eliminates the friction that causes inflammation, restoring the tendons' smooth gliding capability.

Surgery for de Quervain's disease is an outpatient procedure (no overnight hospitalization is required). After surgery, your doctor will recommend an exercise program to strengthen your thumb and wrist. Recovery times vary, depending on your age, general health, and how long the symptoms have been present.

In people whose disease has developed gradually, de Quervain's is usually more resistant to treatment. For these people, it may take longer to find relief.
so dalam erti kater lain..laki aku suggest inject stereoid kat tgn aku..inject dadah???kang kalu aku kna cek air kencing positif dadah??sia-sia kna masuk lokap bawah sek.15(1) akta dadah..huhuhuh laki aku cakap aku poyo..hahaha..ekceli aku takut kna cucuk..yer la!!!! cucuk kat area pergelangan tangan..saper xtakut???!! slalu kna cucuk kat bahu jer..tgk anak kna cucuk amik darah pun da tau sakit dier..ini kan plak nk cucuk kat tangan aku...tp mmg tu jer rawatan yg mudah..kang kalu da teruk kna surgery plak..hohhho..mak xrela nyah!!!
laki aku panggil aku "FRANKESTIEN" sbb test tu la.."Finkelstein test" CIS!!!!!!NYAMPAH!!

10 ulasan:

Puan ApasH berkata...

1st time sy bc blog awak. Saya pon sakit ke pergelangan tangan since dr masa pregnant lagi. Thanks for d info..akhirnya saya pon tau ape sakit saya..

Rozy berkata...

lawok betoi hang nih noa...
sakit tuh tergeliat lidah aku nak sebut... hehhehehehe
laki aku kalau pusing pergelangan tangan dia mesti bunyi2.. huhuhu horror ja aku dengaq..

Aliff Imran berkata...

mama Qaseh>> tu la..nasib adre tuan dokto kat uma kan..

Rozy>> tulang berbunyik??tu da mcm citer P.Ramlee tu..hahah,hang suh laki hang minum anlene la...

ibu_Arifa berkata...

ooo...gitu bunyi nama penyakit tu.. susah sunggh nk sebut,,apa lg nk ingat..so..bila nk p inject dadah tu :p

Aliff Imran berkata...

ibu_arifa>> ikut kater laki aku pagi tadi..arini dier try tanyer kawan dier bleh cucuk ker x..so mayb petang ni ku akan di inject dadah la..hohoho...waaaaaaaa....takut!!!

asap@koilagi berkata...

salam kenal2 mamanoa..
owh baru ku tau name sakitnye..dulu akak pun sakit gak pergelangan tgn ni masa dlm pantang ank 1st..berbulan la jgak sakit..lepas 3 kali berurut dgn FIL baru baik..kekadang jek rase sakit tu dtg blk..tapi skrg sakit tulang rusuk blakang pulak..adekah pbawakan budak, adakah kesalahtiduran atau adekah sakit otot jugak..hmm..~?

Tanpa Nama berkata...

Dh agak dh Mamanoa kna sakit tue but tk tau pggilannya ape?Cam mmber satu ofis pn dh kena n kna operate coz selalu dia dh kebas2 n tk rasa..
Anyway wat terbaik tuk hilangkan sakit tgn tu yea Yang..jgn d biarkan tkt melarat je nnti..Take care..Gud Info to alls

Aliff Imran berkata...

ibu aliff>> akak..saya ader try urut dlu, tp xjalan la..skang sakit tulang gbelakang plak??hmm..mnum anlene la kak...kiter ni makin tmbh umo tulang mmg mula problem..

mama qaseh>>ehh ader 2org mama qaseh upernyer..hmm..tu la somi pun ckp kalu truk kna operate..tp minor operate la..tp saya xder plak rasa kebas-kebas tu..juz sakit jer la..

asap@koilagi berkata...

adoiii..nk kene minom susu la pulak..
tapi kalu sampai kene operate tu payah gak..wife membe baik asben dh kene operate psl sakit gini lah tak silap..sian die..skrg kene buat latih tubi utk bg tgn die cam bese blk..
i nak polo u lah..k

Puan ApasH berkata...

mintak permission nk copy paster pasal disease ni kt blog saya eh..bleh kan??



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